Well six months has nearly passed and unforunately it is nearly time to say goodbye to our current Creative Team.
Whilst that point is sad, the good news is that you could be our next Creative Team members.
I'm looking for six creative team members. These may be six new members or a mix of old and new. Current CT members are expected to reapply as well.
Please read these carefully, I can not consider any applications that are missing information/requirements.
1. Create a layout based on the following sketch. Individual interpretation is encouraged but the sketch must still be recognisable. Please keep this layout unshared until after the call has finished.

2. Create 2 new and previously unshared layouts. Theme is up to you.
3. Also e-mail me the following:
a. full name
b. blog link
c. Any current or previous DT work/DTs that you are on and publications
d. a short bio
e. a few short sentences about why you want to be on the CT
All entries must be 12 x 12 or 8.5 x 11. Please keep file sizes under 100kb.
Entries are to be emailed to stucksketches@optusnet.com.au. Please put STUCK?! CREATIVE TEAM APPLICATION in the subject line.
Entries must be received by midnight EST on December 20th. The Creative Team will be contacted by December 25th and will be announced on January 1st 2010.
* Your term will run from the February until July 2010 sketches. You will receive your first sketches during the month of January 2010 and your final sketches during the month of June 2010.
*Each CT member will be required to submit 2 LOs per month. At the beginning of the current month, I will send you both new sketches for the following month and it will be due late in the current month.
* CT members are expected to remain exclusive to Stuck?! Sketches for their CT period. We are not able to accept applicants who are current CT members for other sketch blogs / sites.
* Positions will be held for a six month period and members will be required to reapply at the end of the six months to continue on.
*CT members should use the Stuck?! blinkie and promote Stuck?! where ever and when ever possible! I want each CT member to be proud to be a member and to spread the word around!!!
International scrappers may apply.
If you have any questions, please email them to me and I will answer them as soon as I can.
Can't wait to see the entries out there.