Forever Always DT Call

Forever Always is having a New Years Cleanout….not that we are outing the old and bringing in the new, but it is time for something fresh and new. You may have noted a few changes, each of the DT family will now have a role that they are committed to each month to create on specifically.
And we are looking to adopt… So if you think you can add something special to our family on a monthly basis we want you….
Yes it’s a DT call but one with a difference… we are looking for a Cybercrop Queens and Tutorial Queens….
·As Cybercrop Queen – it will be your responsibility to come up with the monthly topic, and at least 2 challenges with supporting inspirational layouts. You will also be required to be present in the forum during Cybercrops.
·As Tutorial Queen – it will be your responsibility to come up with the monthly topic and at least 2 layouts or examples to be posted in the forum and on our blog.
·Complete challenges
·Be active within our site, including daily posting in the forum and regular layouts in the gallery beyond your required role
·Help promote our family and site through blogs etc including advertising of your Cybercrop or Tutorial releases and all other sneak peaks.
·Have a love for our store and the products it contains you will also provide links to them when you have used them. (Although we understand that we don’t stock all products and the you will want to use other product at times….please be mindful of items we have in store when scrapping).
·Be on call for other jobs if needed when a family member is either sick or away.
·Being apart of the best online family there is.
·Online recognition as a Design Team Family Member this will include your portrait in the family album, your bio and layouts will be featured on the Forever Always Website, Forum, Gallery and Blog.
·Discounts and FA Shopping dollars for all items including our Retreats.
I would encourage all applicants to visit our website and become a part of our forum to be sure this is the Design Team for you.
To apply for one of our positions, please submit a minimum of 3 examples of your work that have never been posted on the World Wide Web or in a Magazine.
If you are applying to be a Cybercrop Queen – please send us a Theme topic and four challenges showing us your skills.
If you are applying to be a Tutorial Queen – pleases send us a Tutorial showing us your skills
In addition, please answers to the following questions, and return with your submissions.
·Name: Email address: Location:
·How would you describe your Scrapping Style?
·Would you say that you are a master of a particular technique? YES/NO If yes what technique?
·Are you or have you already been a member of a design team? – Please list companies and/or websites with links.
·Have you had your work published before? If so where and when? Can you commit to time deadlines for techniques and class contributions?
·Do you have a blog? If so, please send the link.
·If you have work in online galleries, please provide links, so that we may view more of your work.
·Are you currently active online? If so what communities and what is your Username (please proved links)
·Why are you interested in becoming a member of our design team?
·Can you jump in and help out your FA family and complete assignments with short notice if necessary?
·Tell us what commitment means to you?
Please send submissions to
Deadline for submissions on both calls is Friday, January 29, 2010
With New roles being active in February – the new adoptee’s will be announced in the February Newsletter.